‘Lessons must be learned from cervical cancer review’ – McGrath | Newry News | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘Lessons must be learned from cervical cancer review’ – McGrath | Newry News

SDLP Opposition Health Spokesperson Colin McGrath has said that lessons must be learned from the Cervical Cytology Review in the Southern Trust.


'Lessons must be learned from cervical cancer review' - McGrath | Newry News - newry news online


It comes after Health Minister Mike Nesbitt provided an update on the review, which was initiated after it emerged that over 17,500 smear tests would need to be re-checked in the trust area.

South Down MLA Mr McGrath says, “This recall has been extremely distressing for the patients impacted, many of whom faced months of agonising worry before their tests could be re-checked.

“I welcome that the majority of the reviews have now been completed, and the vast majority have found nothing untoward.

“But we cannot lose sight of the fact that this should never have happened in the first place.



“It is significant that primary HPV testing has now been fully implemented across the North, bringing us into line with the rest of these islands.

“It’s regrettable that we lagged behind on such an important medical matter, but introducing it at last has allowed for those most at risk to be retested as recommended by the Royal College of Pathologists report.

“What we need to see now from the Minister and his department are the learning outcomes from this report and review and the policies that will be put in place to ensure that this never happens again.

“Cervical cancer can be deadly, and we need to ensure that women are encouraged to come forward for testing and can do so in confidence that they will receive the best care and treatment in a professional and timely manner.”

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Posted by on Aug 1 2024. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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