‘Health minister must bring forward a plan to stabilise NHS dentistry’ – Newry MLA Liz Kimmins | Newry City News | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘Health minister must bring forward a plan to stabilise NHS dentistry’ – Newry MLA Liz Kimmins | Newry City News

Sinn Féin MLA Liz Kimmins has said the health minister must bring forward a plan to stabilise NHS dentistry to avoid the collapse of the service.


'Health minister must bring forward a plan to stabilise NHS dentistry' - Newry MLA Liz Kimmins | Newry City News - newry latest news


The party’s health spokesperson comments, “Dentists play an invaluable role within our healthcare system.

“And the loss of more NHS dentistry practices would have a disproportionate impact on patients on lower incomes.

“An increasing number of patients are struggling to access NHS dentistry services as more and more practices go private due to a lack of investment and rising costs within the industry.

“Dentistry representatives have told us that unless action is taken soon, more dentists will inevitably leave the system, and the crisis within NHS dentistry will deepen.

“I am calling on the health minister to meet with representatives of the BDA to find a way forward and to deliver an immediate plan to support patients and practices,” she adds.




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Posted by on Jun 28 2024. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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