Swann announces appointment of Interim Mental Health Champion | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Swann announces appointment of Interim Mental Health Champion

Professor Siobhán O’Neill, Professor of Mental Health Sciences at Ulster University, has accepted the role of interim Mental Health Champion for Northern Ireland.

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Professor O’Neill is one of Northern Ireland’s leading experts in the field of mental health and is known for her active and passionate involvement in suicide prevention.



Making the announcement, Minister Robin Swann said, “I am delighted that Professor O’Neill has agreed to step into this interim position while we proceed with an external recruitment process to make a permanent appointment by April 2021.

“Since I became Health Minister I have identified mental health as a significant priority.

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“The Covid-19 pandemic has underlined the need for this area of health care to be given the priority it deserves.

“An integral element of bringing that required focus is the appointment of a Mental Health Champion.

“I am confident that Professor O’Neill will bring the needs of this sector to the very top of the policy agenda.

“As a pre-eminent expert in her field, Professor O’Neill is at the forefront in developing responsive services for those affected by trauma and mental illness. 



“Allied to that, her well-established links with the voluntary and community sector will help enhance the links between government and those most closely affected by mental health issues.

He added, “This will be fundamental to successfully tackling the mental health issues faced by us as a society as we move forward.”

The role of the Mental Health Champion would be expected to include acting as:

A public advocate for mental health and participating in the public debate around mental resilience, suicide, mental health and recovery.

A consensus builder to integrate mental health and wellbeing across government.



To encourage Government to think about mental wellbeing, resilience, mental health and recovery and to help integrate the ideas of mental resilience and mental health in all public policymaking.

An adviser to senior stakeholders. To support research into mental health, and to provide a voice for those who otherwise would not be heard.

The adviser role is supportive to drive mental health forward, rather than comparative to fight against decisions.

A challenger of decisions and policies. To challenge decisions where mental wellbeing, suicide prevention, good mental health and recovery are not considered, and where such consideration would be beneficial for society as a whole.

Professor O’Neill said, “Mental health needs to be a key priority for Northern Ireland as we move through this pandemic and beyond.

“I will bring a wealth of experience, from both an academic and personal perspective to this interim role.



“I am delighted to have the opportunity to ensure that the voices of those who struggle with their mental health are heard and that they influence policy and practice across Government departments.

“I look forward to working with Minister Swann, the Executive and those who work on the ground, to promote well-being and deliver the mental strategy to help Northern Ireland to flourish and prosper in the future,” she added.


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Posted by on Jun 30 2020. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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