Launch of Maritime Fisheries Fund welcomed
SDLP South Down MP Margaret Ritchie welcomed the launch of the Maritime Fisheries Fund in Northern Ireland.
She said, “Nine months after the approval given by the European Commission in Brussels and after much deliberation and investigation in the Departments of Agriculture and Finance in Belfast which involved several months’ delay, the Maritime Fisheries Fund in Northern Ireland has now been launched and is open for applications.
“After such prolonged discussions this is a welcome development which I hope will bring benefit to the fishing communities and sectors – both on-shore and off-shore in the villages of Ardglass and Kilkeel.
“It is important that these communities will be able to avail of this funding opportunity to improve and develop infrastructure at the harbours in both ports which will contribute to the local economy; increase incomes, sustain existing jobs and generate new employment.
“Notwithstanding the fact that the fishing industry like other economic sectors faces challenges as a result of the EU referendum, it is important that the industry is able to avail of such resources to enable infrastructural and other improvements in Ardglass and Kilkeel ports,” she insisted.
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“Working with other allied industries, Kilkeel fishing sector has a significant on-going project for the development and widening of the harbour which if eventually approved would allow larger boats to land their catch in that port.
“Ardglass could also develop interesting proposals which would build on the existing infrastructure. The development of both harbours would enable the fishing sector to make a major contribution to the local economy on the east coast of Ireland.”
Ritchie added, “I look forward to such developments as they unfold and make that contribution to the wealth and enhanced job creation in the South Down fishing ports.”
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