Camlough Lake refurbishment remains on schedule | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Camlough Lake refurbishment remains on schedule

Sinn Féin Councillor Roisin Mulgrew has praised the commitment of the Camlough Lake Committee to the huge refurbishment project happening at the Crooked lake.

camloughlakeShe made the comments following a meeting with the group to get an update on its progress.

“Following a meeting of the Camlough Lake Committee I am delighted that the refurbishment of the lake remains on schedule,” she said.

“A few of the user groups of Camlough Lake had expressed concerns that the works would not be completed on time. I can now confirm that the contractor is confident that the lake will be ready well in advance of the 2017 triathlon.

“Furthermore, not only is the essential maintenance to be carried out but the money has been found to clad the reinforced concrete wall with stone to make the dam not only safe but also aesthetically pleasing.

“Since the merging of the two councils all of our Sinn Fein councillors have lobbied tirelessly to ensure that this beautiful area receives its fair share of funding and support to improve facilities, host events, attract tourism and give the area a much needed economic boost.

Article continues below:

July 2016“The continued commitment to the Camlough Lake project and the huge festival, Footsteps Through the Forest, planned for Slieve Gullion in August, shows that not only have our efforts been successful but that the desire for and the ability to hold such events is very much alive in the whole Gullion area.

“I would hope that all accommodation providers, shops, restaurants and other businesses in the area will support and promote all of our events and of course, benefit as a result.”

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Posted by on Jul 6 2016. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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