Have your say on Improving Pupil Attendance | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Have your say on Improving Pupil Attendance

The Department of Education is seeking views on its draft strategy ‘Miss School = Miss Out, a Strategy for Improving Pupil Attendance’.

teacher1Evidence shows that the majority of pupils attend school regularly, however there are children and young people who struggle to attend school and who need extra support.

Education Minister John O’ Dowd said, “My aim is to raise educational standards for all and reduce the attainment gap.

“Ensuring that all of our children are engaged and involved in education is the best way for us to invest in their future success. Attending school regularly can help pupils maximise their own life chances and the potential contribution they can make to society and our future economy.”

This strategy focuses on strengthening four key areas:

• improving attendance as a key element of school development planning;
• ensuring systems are in place to identify issues and take action at the earliest possible opportunity;
• supporting children struggling with attendance, particularly those children within vulnerable groups; and
• engaging and collaborating across education and other relevant services to improve regular school attendance

Article continues below:

LearnSpark1The Minister added, “My Department will continue to work in partnership with all stakeholders to ensure that the importance of improving school attendance and therefore the life chances for our children and young people is widely understood and promoted.”

The consultation document is available to download from the Department’s website at https://www.deni.gov.uk/consultations/miss-school-miss-out-strategy-improving-pupil-attendance or by contacting the Department on 028 91279305.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=55569

Posted by on Mar 31 2016. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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