Using technology to improve Endoscopy Services at Daisy Hill Hospital
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust has introduced a new web based system to help improve the way information from its Endoscopy Service is recorded.
Prior to this around 80 staff and 300 patients across Daisy Hill, Craigavon and South Tyrone Hospitals had to complete paper surveys each year which had to be manually collated and summarised.
The new electronic solution is much easier to complete from a PC for staff or for patients on a tablet device before they leave the Unit. The anonymous feedback is immediately submitted and automatically summarised.
Marie Wilson, Lead Nurse for Endoscopy Services who is responsible for co-ordinating patient and staff feedback explained, “We want to ensure the highest standards of endoscopy care across our three units.
“Quality information is so important for us in continually improving the working lives of our staff and providing better care for our patients. However, in the past such data collection has proven to be quite time consuming, with the reliance on postal returns also leading to a lower response rate.
“This new web based system is greatly improving the efficiency of this process. Allowing patients to submit their feedback before they leave us, significantly increases the response rate and the automatic collation means that we have much more reliable data whilst of course the speed of the system frees up valuable staff time,” she added.
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