Seven ways an apprentice can help your business grow
Apprenticeships can turn young talent into commercial success for your business.
Davy Doyle, Local Office Manager for Newry Jobs & Benefits office in DEL’s Employment Service, takes a look at seven of the crucial benefits an apprentice can bring to businesses.
“Some employers new to apprenticeships may not realise that one way to build solid foundations for the future harnessing fresh talent is by employing apprentices,” he explained.
There are numerous advantages from recruiting new people into your business, and apprenticeships now cover more skills and sectors than ever before including pilot higher level apprenticeships in engineering, professional services and ICT.
1. Most businesses report improved productivity as a result of employing an apprentice. Think of this as adding more strings to your bow – you can train someone in the way you want to broaden the talent within your organisation.
2. Employing apprentices can bring fresh ideas and innovation to businesses; bringing new ways of working into the workplace and motivating other members of staff.
3. The employer has the opportunity to develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce with the majority of apprentices staying with the same employer after completion.
4. Apprentices can help fill skills gaps, including those at higher levels, by developing the specialist skills that you require for your business and can help you and your business keep abreast of new technology.
5. For apprentices aged under 25 years, the full costs of the ‘off-the-job’ training for the apprenticeship will be funded by DEL with an employer incentive for employers whose apprentices successfully complete DEL funded training. This ranges from £250 to £1,500, depending on the age of the apprentice, complexity and level of the apprenticeship undertaken.
6. As well as benefiting individual companies, employing apprentices has a positive impact on the wider economy with apprentices remaining in employment, helping build and maintain an active workforce and a better economy.
7. Employing an apprentice is cost effective with the range of support and incentives available for the employer, who benefits from employing an individual who has enthusiasm, motivation and loyalty since your apprentice is fully committed to this particular career path.
Individuals and employers can find out more about Apprenticeships by visiting or by calling 0300 200 7876.
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