Unionists unite to call-in ‘Irish first’ decision on Newry Council logo | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Unionists unite to call-in ‘Irish first’ decision on Newry Council logo

The Unionist councillors of Newry, Mourne and Down District Council have formally requested the call-in of the Council’s ‘Irish first’ proposals.

The call-in comes after the new Newry, Mourne and Down Council voted to make Irish the dominant language on its logos, literature and vehicles, above that of the English language.

Ulster Unionist Party Group Leader, David Taylor said, “This Council area has amongst the smallest Protestant and Unionist communities of all Council areas in Northern Ireland.

“The manner in which nationalist councillors have tried to steamroll this decision without fulfilling legal requirements demonstrates this is an attempt to domineer and lord it over a vulnerable minority,” he insisted.

“Republicans and Nationalists must face up to the fact that the rights of the minority Unionist community have to be protected. They will be resisted at every opportunity in their attempts to ride roughshod over our rights, which are every bit as legitimate as the majority community in the District.”

DUP Group Leader, Garth Craig said, “This new Council is inheriting an existing workforce with an under-representation of Protestants. If this decision is allowed to stand then it would exacerbate that unacceptable situation.

“Following on from the likes of the McCreesh park decision, the intent to create a cold house for Unionists will be clear for all to see. People should take confidence from the unity of purpose their representatives are showing to oppose this attempt to discriminate,” he added.

Both group leaders called on the Alliance and Independent councillors to support their call-in of this decision.

Short URL: https://newrytimes.com/?p=49312

Posted by on Feb 23 2015. Filed under Community, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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