New Midwifery Led Unit officially opens at Daisy Hill Hospital
The President of the Royal College of Midwives, Professor Lesley Page, CBE has officially opened the new Midwifery Led Unit at Daisy Hill Hospital.
Professor Page visited Daisy Hill during a recent visit to Northern Ireland, where she met with midwives, student Midwives and other Maternity staff.
Roberta Brownlee, Chair of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust, who has a background in midwifery and hosted the visit said, “The philosophy of midwifery-led care is that childbirth is a natural event, where midwives work one-to-one with women, helping them to give birth safely without medical intervention where possible.
“So we are privileged to welcome the President of our professional body to Daisy Hill to celebrate the opening of the new Unit and learn about midwifery led practices throughout the Southern Trust.”
The Strategy for Maternity Care in Northern Ireland recommends that any hospital with a Consultant Led Maternity Unit should also have a Midwifery Led Unit on the same site.
Opening the new Midwifery Led Unit, Professor Lesley Page said, “It is a pleasure and an honour to open this new unit. Good maternal health and high-quality midwife-led care care throughout pregnancy and during birth can have a marked effect on the health and life chances of newborn babies.
“Maternity care is the earliest health intervention of them all and getting it right for mothers, babies and families is an important part of supporting families and building good health later in life. I am delighted that this new unit will give mothers more options and choices for the birth of their child,” she added.
Expectant mothers will be able to find out more about the Midwifery Led Unit at their first antenatal booking visit and can discuss with their midwife whether they may be suitable to give birth there.
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