‘Minister must direct funding to the front line’ – Rogers | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

‘Minister must direct funding to the front line’ – Rogers

SDLP Education Spokesperson Seán Rogers MLA has said that the Education Minister must prioritise all new funds for front line delivery in schools rather than protecting his own administrative budget.

Speaking in the Assembly this week, Rogers said, “I was pleased to hear that the Education Minister plans to direct new allocations under the January monitoring round to front line services in his department.

“Unfortunately the Executive has no definition of core public services so the commitment is largely meaningless. This is why, in the draft budget, initial proposals would have seen devastating cuts to the aggregated schools budget with a paltry administrative saving in the Minister’s departmental administrative budget.

“Schools cannot afford to make any further cuts, it’s therefore vital that we see increased allocation going directly into their bottom lines. A good education and good support throughout a child’s development is the best way to improve social outcomes.

“We can only do that through a well-resourced education infrastructure, from the Education Authority through to individual schools and classrooms.

Rogers added, “Creative and strategic investment in education is an investment in our children, an investment in our society and an investment in our wider economy. It’s imperative that the Minister commits to that in a way which directs money to where it is most needed.”

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Posted by on Jan 29 2015. Filed under Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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