Plastic bags help raise awareness of Red Squirrels in Slieve Gullion
Money raised from the plastic bag levy will be helping the endangered red squirrel in Slieve Gullion, thanks to an award from the Northern Ireland Environment Agency’s Challenge Fund.
Money raised every time someone uses a plastic bag will be used to create a red squirrel safari trail in Slieve Gullion Forest Park.
This project will enable the Ring of Gullion and Cooley Red Squirrel Group in partnership with Clanrye Group to deliver a red squirrel safari trail with 4 interpretation boards and 2 viewing points.
Therese Hamill of the Ring of Gullion AONB said, “This is great news for the red squirrels in Slieve Gullion. The trail will raise awareness of the issues faced by the red squirrel which include loss of habitat and competition from the grey squirrel.”
The Red Squirrel is one of the most threatened mammals in the UK and Ireland and the Ring of Gullion is one of the last strongholds for red squirrels in Northern Ireland.
The Challenge Fund is funded by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and is administered by Northern Ireland Environment Link.
For more information on the Ring of Gullion and Cooley Red Squirrel Group visit:, or search for Ring of Gullion on Facebook and Twitter.
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