Fracture Clinic to remain in Daisy Hill Hospital after u-turn | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Fracture Clinic to remain in Daisy Hill Hospital after u-turn

News from the Southern Trust that the Fracture Clinic will remain at Daisy Hill Hospital has been welcomed by local political representatives.

Last week it emerged that plans were put in motion to move the Fracture Clinic from the Newry Hospital to Craigavon.

SDLP MLA Dominic Bradley welcomed the u-turn. “I had lobbied the Trust on this issue along with SDLP South Down MP Margaret Ritchie and South Down MLAs Karen McKevitt and Seán Rogers to have the clinic retained in Newry, especially considering this is an important service for South Armagh and South Down.

“It would have been wrong to expect people to travel, in some cases, 40 miles to attend a fracture clinic given that quite often, the patients involved are in the older age group and additional travel time would only add to the stress of their condition.

“I welcome the fact that good sense has prevailed and that the fracture review service will remain at Daisy Hill,” Bradley added.

Sinn Fein MLA Megan Fearon told Newry Times, “I was appalled to hear last week that Daisy Hill’s fracture services were in jeopardy. This would have been a terrible blow for the area and would have meant patients travelling to Craigavon Area Hospital for all fracture treatment.

“What will now happen is that patients with suspected fracture will initially attend Daisy Hill for treatment. If they require surgery this will be performed at a purpose built fracture unit in Craigavon instead of Belfast as is the current arrangement. All follow up treatment will be performed at Daisy Hill,” she added.

Mickey Brady MLA and member of the Assembly’s Health Committee added, “I contacted the Chief Executive of the Southern Trust immediately when I learned of the threat to fracture services.

“I wanted to voice my displeasure at the potential loss of fracture services to Newry and at the fact that the Southern Trust did not consult with local elected representatives.

Brady added, “I am now satisfied that fracture services at Daisy Hill will remain and that local people will not have to travel unnecessary distances for follow up fracture treatment.”

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Posted by on Feb 24 2014. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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