A Night of pure Orange with Armagh’s Heroes and Legends from 1977 and 2002
Armagh GAA has a very special place in the hearts of the county’s Gaels. With that comes a great love and affection for nostalgia and reflection.
This set two Carrickcruppen GAA club members, Damian McCullough and Seán Ó Sirideán, thinking, what could we do to mix this enthusiasm for the great heritage and history of our county footballers and possibly make a few quid for charity?
Damian came up with the idea of bringing together the county’s two most notable teams, the All Ireland finalists from 1977 and the All Ireland champions from 2002.
The men were overwhelmed with the positive feedback not just from the county supporters but from the panelists of both teams who have agreed to come along and support their fundraiser.
Speaking with Newry Times Damian McCullough said, “We were amazed at how positive and willing all the players were who agreed to come along.
“We have billed the night as ‘A night of pure Orange, mayhem and Craic with Armagh Heroes and Legends’ and that’s what they have all been, heroes and legends with their generosity.”
“There will be a few surprises on the night and we will be putting up some great spot prizes, it is all in aid of two charities that have a massive impact in the local area, the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Newry Hospice. We urge all Armagh and GAA Gaels to come out and support this initiative as it is all for two very worthy charities.”
There is great enthusiasm running through some circles of Armagh fans with the news that one of the most talismanic defenders in the modern era of the GAA is going to make an appearance explains Seán Ó Sirideán, “We are delighted with the news that Crossmaglen’s Francie Bellew will be there on the night, a man who is not renowned for his talking off the pitch.
“We are not too sure if Francie will have much to say but there is only one way to find out, and that’s to get out there and come and support the event. “
The function will be held this Thursday 16th May with the throw in at 7:30pm in the Canal Court Hotel, admission £10.
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