The illustrated Story of Ballybot
The 2011 census suggests that Ballybot, Newry’s west bank, lives up to its historical name as Newry’s poor town. Of course then, as now, the story is more complex, more diverse, more interesting than suggested in statistics.
On Tuesday, 19th February at 8pm in the Buttercrane Shopping Centre the Old Newry Society, in the learned, but jovial, forms of Sean Patterson and Anthony Russell will tell the illustrated story of Ballybot, from the distillery and breweries to the shopping centres.
The canal, ships, the port, the dockers, the mills, the railways and the family owned shops will all feature.
The lives and homes of ordinary people – the characters we remember – will make cameo appearances, on the screen, as the two jovial, but learned presenters tell of traitors, patriots, lovers, lawyers and heroes.
There will be drink, both whiskey and beer; there will be linen, there will be tobacco; there will be kindly priests.
The Dominican has played a central role in the religious and social life of both Ballybot and Newry – even though some die hard Dominican Catholics still look with suspicion at the Cathedral, confident that in the Father’s house, of many rooms, the Hill Street folk will be below stairs.
On the night Mayor John McArdle will make a presentation, to Ballybot’s oldest resident.
Whether you’re a native of Ballybot, or just a shopper, be assured that a most interesting, innovative and entertaining night, with supper, awaits you in the Buttercrane Shopping Centre for £6.
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