Bradley seeks ministerial intervention on Feeza Meats
SDLP Assembly Member for Newry and Armagh Dominic Bradley MLA has called for urgent Ministerial talks over Freeza Meats in Newry.
Speaking to Newry Times, Bradley explained, “In recent days we have become all too aware of the on-going crises within our food processing industry, particularly in relation to horse meat being found in beef products and the authorities are rightly investigating the different cases involved.
“However in the case of Freeza Meats in Newry I believe 50 jobs may have been inadvertently put at risk within my constituency by poor communication by the FSA.
“Freeza meat products have been cleared of equine DNA by both Newry and Mourne Environmental Health Office and independent DNA testing by British supermarket chain, ASDA.
“I understand that the raw material under investigation currently held within Freeza Meats has been in quarantine for quite some time at the request of the local Environmental Health Office.
Bradley continued, “It has not nor has it ever been used by the company in the production of its meats, in fact the company have only continued to store the meat in question at the insistence of Environmental Health despite the company’s numerous requests to dispose of the product concerned.
“This afternoon I have asked the Enterprise Minister and the Agriculture Minister to convene urgent round table discussions with all parties involved so the facts can be put on the table and this very worrying situation can be resolved; not just in relation to the urgent situation for those working at Freeza Meats but for the reputation of the meat processing industry in Northern Ireland.
He added, “I have asked Minister Foster and Minister O’Neill to bring the Foods Standards Agency, the Environmental Health team from Newry and Mourne District Council, Freeza Meats and ASDA around the table within hours with Departmental Officials to help bring about certainty and public confidence as a matter of urgency.”
‘Misinformation could put jobs unnecessarily at risk’ – Freeza Meats
‘Ireland’s excellent food record should not be undermined’ – Brady after Newry horsemeat incident
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