Women want car accessories and men want beauty products – Christmas ´Wish List´ research shows | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Women want car accessories and men want beauty products – Christmas ´Wish List´ research shows

Extensive research of over 500 members of the British public has come up with some amazing insights into men and women’s lifestyle choices this Christmas.

The key findings from the nationwide research outlined below, shows that men are spending more time on the way they look than women, whilst women take more pride in their cars than their male counterparts which helps to dispel the typical gender stereotypes about gift giving.

The research, which took the form of focus groups and online questionnaires, was conducted in order to ascertain exactly what the general public desire in terms of goods and services in the festive season.

The findings show that although women still look for fashion items as their top requirement, they have uncovered the fact that women now prize their car above men, whilst men have a preference for beauty and grooming products that outweigh the traditional views that they love cars above all else.

Men seem to be more interested in cleanliness, from grooming, right through to dry cleaning, whereas women seem to be spending more time in their cars and are treating them like a second home, adding accessories to the interior such as seat covers through to cuddly toys.

More worryingly perhaps is the fact that amongst women, the desire to purchase ‘surprise’ gifts for their partners has plummeted to number 10 in their list – whilst for men it is higher at number 5.

Subsequently, out of the 500 people involved in the research, it has become clear that men in the UK seem to have grown much vainer. This even relates to their homes where such things as domestic services are ranking higher than may have been previously believed as it is clear men would still prefer to get someone else to do the housework than have to do it themselves.

Women on the other hand, wish to travel longer distances than men in order to get the exact services they want, especially when it came to beauticians and hair stylists.

Evidence shows men really want things within easy walking distance; this in part may explain the woman’s desire to place more importance on their car than the men.

See below for some of the results of the survey.

Men’s Top 10

1. Fitness/Beauty – 82%

2. Grooming –64% of men visit a hairdresser or barber more often than their female partner

3. Cars and accessories – 72% of men would prefer a better performing car than one which was more appealing to look at, compared to 88% of women who preferred more about how the car looked than the actual specification.

4. Fashion – Over 50% of men surveyed would prefer to skip one meal a day in order to buy the new clothes they wanted.

5. Gifts for you partner (65%) – During the survey it was established that “keeping your partner happy with gifts” was seen as a major expense each month and one which men were keen to have discounted!

6. Domestic Services – men frequently stated that they would be willing to give up drinking beer to pay for someone to clean their properties rather than have to do it themselves (80%)

7. Cinema – (77%)

8. Bars (44%)

9. Electronics – The majority of males surveyed showed a keen interest in owning the latest technology and saw this as a large expense each year, rather than as a monthly cost. Most men (66%) purchased an average of 2-3 technology products every year.

10. Restaurants (70%)

Women’s Top 10

1. Clothing – The survey showed that 78% of women spent a large proportion of their disposable income on buying the latest fashion trends each month.

2. Cars and accessories – Stereotypes out the window with this one. Women ranked higher (79%) than men (54%) on the spending on their cars; the survey showed women were more likely to want to ‘kit out’ their vehicles to make them look great, as opposed to men who ranked this in 3rd place.

3. Shoes (71%)

4. Fitness (58%)

5. Restaurants (80%)

6. Cinema (48%)

7. Domestic Services – Still ranking quite high on their list, 62% of females said they would rather pay for someone to clean their property, than have an argument with their partner about who should do what each week!

8. Days Out – 77% of women surveyed expressed they would like to go on more ‘days out’ but find the cost of doing so ‘too high’.

9. Dental (61%) – Not appearing in the men’s top 10, but placing in 9th place on the women’s list was the desire for great looking teeth.

10. Gifts for your partner (43%)

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Posted by on Dec 24 2012. Filed under Lifestyle. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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