Ploughing competition set for Camlough
The Camlough Heritage Society has joined forces with the Clare Vintage Society, Tandragee, to host a ‘Ploughing Match’ on Saturday 11th August in Camlough village.
The Ploughing Championship will be hosted in Camlough for the first time ever and it is anticipated it will be a fantastic family day out. The Camlough Heritage Society and Clare Vintage Society have worked together in a genuine cross community spirit of partnership and extend an invitation to all to attend.
Proceedings will begin at 10.00am and finish at 3.30pm and takes place on the Ten Acre Field on the Quarter Road. As well as the skills and competition on offer, there will also be plenty of fun and entertainment for all the family.
Anyone wishing further information should contact the Camlough Heritage Society on 07841469510.
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