Newry pollution levels ‘moderate’
The Department of the Environment has this week stated that pollution levels in Newry are currently ‘moderate’. The department also states that Armagh, Lisburn, Londonderry, Belfast and Strabane are experiencing similar levels.
Healthy people are unlikely to experience any ill effects, however those with lung or heart problems may find their conditions get worse during periods of high pollution. The recent high levels of pollution are linked to the build-up of emissions from both vehicles and home heating in northern Europe during the winter.
The Department of Environment said, “There is some uncertainty in the air quality forecast at present – however, it is possible that high levels of air pollution could continue to be seen in urban areas across Northern Ireland while the current weather conditions last.”
People can help to reduce pollution levels by taken a number of measures such as avoiding burning solid fuels and taking non-essential car journeys.
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