Illegal fuel plant discovered in south Armagh
HM Revenue and Customs officers have uncovered an illegal fuel plant in south Armagh. The plant was discovered on Tuesday in a large shed in the Drummond Road area. Officers at the scene seized fuel tanks, pumps, a fuel tanker and 20,000 litres of illicit fuel.
HMRC have estimated that the plant was capable of producing nearly 8 million litres of illicit fuel a year and evading more than £5 million in revenue. Speaking about the plant, Graeme Anderson of HMRC said, “Toxic sludge from the laundering process has the potential to cause devastation to our environment.”
He added: “Buying illicit fuel isn’t about saving a few pence; it is encouraging and supporting fuel criminality in our communities and the dumping of toxic waste, leaving the public with a hefty clean-up bill. It costs us all, as taxpayers, a lot more in the long run.”
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