In Pictures: Fun and games at LiveNet’s ICT Fun Day
Young people and adults with a learning disability from local day centres and clubs, joined by their family members and carers, came to the Newry Sports Centre on Wednesday 14th December to take part in an ICT Fun Day organised by Mencap’s LiveNet Project.
With 14 exhibition and interactive stands offering fun and games, there was lots on offer. Everyone who came along had an opportunity to speak to professionals and providers of sports and health related programmes, play around with the games including Xbox Kinect and Nintendo Wii Sports, and experiment with various types of technology.
Below are some pictures of the event, you can click on any picture to enlarge and open the gallery:
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Photographs supplied by Jim Corr and Mencap, Northern Ireland, 2011.
IT Can Help, who work in partnership with Mencap’s LiveNet project providing free IT help for people with a learning disability, were also on hand to offer advice on IT equipment. But no need to worry if you missed them because if Santa gives you a new iPad, computer or laptop this Christmas, IT Can Help can visit you in your home for free and help you install and set up your new technology. Just contact IT Can Help on free phone (and Minicom) on 0800 269 545 or email at
LiveNet is a £1 million project funded by the Big Lottery Fund through the Live and Learn programme. The LiveNet project is designed to help people with a learning disability to develop the skills and knowledge to use information and communications technology (ICT) in everyday life to help improve health and well-being, access to information and community involvement.
LiveNet are looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering with the project, taking part in the workshops or finding out more about LiveNet then please contact the LiveNet team:
Tel: 028 9069 0185
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