Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Minister urges public to report child protection concerns | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Coronavirus Northern Ireland: Minister urges public to report child protection concerns

Health Minister Robin Swann has expressed concern at evidence of a significant decrease in child protection referrals in Northern Ireland.

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The Minister emphasised that, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, children’s services remain open and ready to help protect children and support families.

Speaking to Newry Times, Mr Swann stated, “I am advised that the number of child protection referrals during the first three weeks of April 2020 was 38% lower than the weekly average of 2019.



“Normally social services receive referrals from a range of sources, including schools, GPs, extended family and hospital nurses. 

“But with school closures, and potential reluctance to attend GPs or hospitals, there is a risk that children in need are not being identified.

“I would urge members of the public to contact Health and Social Care Trust Gateway Services or the NPSCC helpline if they have concerns about a child not being safe or receiving the care they need.

“Any concerns that a child is in immediate danger should be referred to the PSNI via 999 without delay.



“During these difficult times, families are facing different pressures.

“There is a range of support available in the community, including through Family Support Hubs which are continuing to support families in a number of creative and innovative ways,” he added. 

Chief Social Work Officer Seán Holland said, “While the figures fluctuate from week to week and it is too early to have a full picture, a drop in referrals is a trend that is being seen across the UK.



“This is a trend that has worrying consequences for children whose needs are at risk of not being seen or heard.

“Combined with the extra pressures that lockdown restrictions are putting on families, there is a worry that more children are not getting the support they need in order to keep them safe and well.

“Colleagues across safeguarding organisations are working hard to mitigate these risks.

He added, “They need maximum support from the public to help keep children safe.”

The Health and Social Care Trusts, PSNI and the Education Authority are continuing to work together to identify and provide extra support to children and families who need it at this time.

The PSNI will continue to work in partnership with Health and Social Care Trusts to investigate child abuse.



Trusts will continue to support children and their families and where necessary seek direction from the courts to make children safe.

Despite the absence of formal classroom settings, the Education Authority will continue to support and engage children and young people through other education services, such as Youth Service, Educational Welfare and exceptional teaching arrangements.

These supports will be particularly focused towards children who are identified as needing the most support and protection.

There are 29 Family Support Hubs across Northern Ireland.  Contact details for local Hubs can be accessed at



To find out contact details of your local Trust Gateway Services please visit:


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Posted by on Apr 22 2020. Filed under Coronavirus. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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