McIIveen announces free farm safety courses
Agriculture Minister Michelle McIlveen has encouraged farmers to make farm safety a priority by signing up for new farm safety workshops under the Farm Families Key Skills initiative.
Farm Family Key Skills (FFKS) is an initiative under The Farm Business Improvement Scheme (FBIS) which is a key element of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020.
The Northern Ireland Rural Development Council (RDC) has been appointed to deliver the Health and Safety training under the Programme. Delivered on farms throughout Northern Ireland the training is free for farmers, members of the farm family and employees to attend.
Michelle McIlveen said, “Health and Safety continues to be an important issue for farm families and their employees. Major injuries on farm across Northern Ireland are up 10% on figures from 2014.
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“The causes of injuries and fatalities on farms have remained the same and are normally risks that can be dealt with by raising awareness, making small improvements and adopting safer practices.
“These short workshops are free and provide an ideal opportunity to raise awareness of the continuing risks that are present on farm. I would encourage everyone to make 2017 a safer year on farms by attending a workshop,” she added.
The short workshops starting in 2017, aim to raise awareness of the need for farm families to regularly look for potential risks and potential improvements. It places a greater emphasis on learning from the near-misses. Lessons can be learnt from near misses if immediate action is taken and improvements made.
The training also highlights the need to spread the message of farm safety to farm employees, visitors to the farm and more vulnerable members of the farm family like children and older people.
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For further information or to register for a workshop go online to or alternatively contact Anne Marie at RDC on 028 8676 6980 or via email to
Managed by the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise (CAFRE), the programme is funded through the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme with support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
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[…] encouraged everyone to attend the workshops to make 2017 a safer year for farms. To register for a free workshop or for more information, go to the relevant website and page at – […]