Alliance calls for replacement uPVC front and back door scheme | Latest Newry News, Newry Sport and Newry Business for Newry City

Alliance calls for replacement uPVC front and back door scheme

Newcastle Alliance Councillor Patrick Clarke is calling on the Minister for Social Development Nelson McCausland to provide additional financial funding to implement a scheme to replace front and back doors in housing executive properties to uPVC similar to the uPVC double glazing window replacement scheme.

The Newcastle Councillor says he has written to the Minister requesting consideration to his proposal as he believes the present uPVC double glazing window replacement scheme should have included uPVC front and back external doors.

Speaking to Newry Times, Clarke stated,  “Whilst people living in housing executive properties will be glad to finally receive replacement uPVC double glazing, a number of constituents have contacted me in Dundrum and Newcastle regarding their front and back doors not also being replaced with uPVC similar to the windows.”

“This is causing some concern to housing executive tenants due to possible loss of insulation and energy due to the age of some of these front and back doors, as well as wear and tear.”

“It would have made more sense from a practical point of view when contractors were on site replacing windows to uPVC double glazing to complete the front and back doors as well leaving older properties full insulated and householders saving on their heating and energy costs.”

“Given the uPVC window double glazing replacement scheme is making a real difference to saving energy costs in housing executive properties I would also like to see a similar scheme being implemented by Housing Executive for uPVC front and back doors.”

Clarke added, “The Housing Executive has said that it would have been their intention to complete front and back doors with replacement uPVC together with double glazing windows to all housing executive properties but that the DSD Minister has not released the additional funding.”

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Posted by on Feb 9 2013. Filed under Community. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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